modified craftrobo pen holder

Hacked CraftRobo Pen Holder from Jenna Fizel on Vimeo.

This is a very small project, but one I hope makes others possible. I bought both a set of pens and the official pen holder for my CraftRobo some time ago. Sadly, the ballpoint pens tend to leave fuzzy uneven lines, and the pen holder is limited to only the skinniest of pens. Since the pens were close to useless anyway, I decided to remove the guts from one and transform it into a more versatile pen holder.

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I began by slowly boring a hole half an inch from the top edge using an exacto knife. Once through, I threaded a screw hook through to the other side. Using a small saw I then cut off the pointed tip. Using the sam saw I took off the tip of the plastic casing. I used a pair of cuticle scissors to remove the small interior plastic ribs and  increased the diameter of the bottom hole with a philips screwdriver. I carefully glued the two pieces back together with strong plastic glue. Finally, I added a cushion of duct tape to pad the side of the holder opposite the set screw. I can now draw with a much wider array of tools, including opaque white gel pen, as you can see above. Hopefully I will find other interesting uses for this soon!

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