number trees

I’ve loved the mathematics behind nature ever since I read The Number Devil as a kid. Instead of exploding rabbit populations, cute/terrifying as they might be, I decided to go with trees, and to quite literally construct them out of numbers. Each tree grows according to the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21… The segments are scaled based on the Golden Ratio, which is derived from the limit of that sequence. The wind they sway in is, somewhat sadly, random.

I developed this project with Cinder, and you can download it as a screensaver for Snow Leopard, or take a look at some screencaps:

Growing Typography Forest from Jenna Fizel on Vimeo.

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One response to “number trees”

  1. […] project is in the vein as a screensaver I wrote a few months ago, except it’s now in three dimensions! As usual, I used Rhinoscript to generate most of the […]