3D Printed Ribbon Ring

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I designed this ring using a combination of hand NURBS modeling and scripting. The base ribbon shapes were created by hand and vary in width between 3 and 6 mm. I think created a bit of code that calculates the appropriate zig zag pattern at intervals along the ribbon. Each zigzag is exactly 6 mm in length, so thinner ribbon sections translate into bulkier, ridge-ier areas of the final ring form. Since the two loops the ring is made from entwine eachother at several points, I had to check my results for intersections and adjust and re-run the script as needed. I’ve uploaded to Shapeways, and will order a print of this along with another project I have planned for later this week. This will be my first print in metal, and I’m very excited! I’m pushing printing tolerances, as always, so hopefully it turns out!

The model can be found here, on Shapeways.

Posted via email from thing-a-day 2011

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